End The Stigma Of HIV (On the Gay Scene)
I got RAPED by someone I'd met online who said he could accomodate me for a few days as I was escaping a violent relationship.
He threw me out the morning after the attack that spoke volumes to me.
The attack made me question WHO everyone really was online
It made me wary of Gay Dating websites after that
I didn't report the attack to the Police as it was a case of my word against his.
I managed to get lodgings in a DAMP tower block for 2 months before I got my own flat.
I still had to put up with seeing my attacker in bars on the Gay scene.
I remember friends of the guy who attacked me in a bar backing him up with comments like this.
Steves a nice chap he wouldn't harm anyone
Well I'm afraid he did HARM ME and Its not something I'm ever likely to forget or forgive.
The attack happened in January and I got diagnosed in August I was too frightened to go for a blood test for a few months.
The Biggest problem I've had since my HIV result is STIGMA on the Gay Scene itself.
I've been called some unkind and cruel names just because I happened to have caught HIV.
I'm actually NON Scene these days the thought of going into a Gay venue again just ramps up my anxiety factor.
HIV is still here it hasn't gone away
40 Years since the first known HIV infections and certain people on the Gay scene haven't moved on from it.
Please END THE STIGMA on the Gay Scene towards people with HIV WE are Human too!
I'm perfectly healthy and quite frankly I'm amazed that the meds are doing me some good
Viral Load? What Viral Load!