The Boyfriend Who Tried To Give Me HIV

I moved to London in the summer of 1994.

I met a Guy in The Father Red Cap who introuced himself as John who said he was a year older than me.

Father red Cap Camberwell

I ended up going back to his place in Tulse Hill with him and after a couple of weeks we started out in a "relationship"

After a few weeks I realised John only wanted me for drug money after he frog marched me to the Post office with my Giro.

Why I was attracted to him in the first place is the question

One night we came home from the pub and he wanted to fuck me I said OK as long as he wore a condom.

He didn't wear a condom I realised a few minutes into it that it didnt feel right so I asked him to withdraw.

It a fucking good job I realised he was fucking me bareback as I also later found out John was HIV positive.

He was a born LIAR he lied about his Status, His Age (He was 29 not 22) & He LIED about his drug usage.

It was only when he introduced me to his drug dealer that I realised he was into Heroin they tried to get me to take it.

I've done drugs & I'm not into Heroin the thought of Shooting Up makes me ill

I've seen Heroin RUIN far too many peoples lives.

I couldn't get out of the dealers flat quick enough that night.

John once tried ripping off a friend with drugs & he got battered and and beaten up served him right.

I don't mind a bit of Weed but as for all other drugs I steer clear.

cannabis leaves

We moved to a new property in Croydon and about 3 weeks later he announced he was shagging a Bus Driver.

I wasn't impressed he fucked off leaving me to run a flat with a stroppy Australian lodger who never cleaned up.

I kissed goodbye to any money I'd paid upfront for the flat deposit.

Last time I saw John was on my local precinct he lives about 1/2 a mile from my current flat.

I was taken for a complete mug by John why would I want to speak to him now?

I later contracted HIV in 2001 from being raped but thats another story

I didn't go looking for HIV, HIV found me. I practised safe sex most of my adult life.

I used to be far too trusting of people & John still remains an Ex I'd rather forget about he was a CUNT!